Joaquín ANDREU
Professor of Water Resources Engineering
Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering
Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Escuela de Caminos – Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n
Valencia, SPAIN
(Honorary Diplomate of 2019)

Main field(s) of interest:
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering
Deputy Director for International Relations of the School of Civil Engineering
Department of Hydraulic and Energy Engineering
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Prof Aranguren s/n
Madrid, SPAIN
(Honorary Diplomate of 2019)

Main field(s) of interest:
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Technical University of Crete
Chania, GREECE
(Honorary Diplomate of 2023)

Main field(s) of interest:
Daniel P. LOUCKS
Professor Emeritus
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, USA
(Honorary Diplomate of 2015)

Main field(s) of interest:
Athanasios LOUKAS
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, GREECE
(Honorary Diplomate of 2023)

He received, during his academic studies and carrier, numerous fellowships, prices and awards such as the Fulbright Research Scholarship in 2013. He is listed in the top world-wide 2% of the most influential scientists (according to his publications and the citations to his publications for his carrier period until 2022) of Stanford University (2023). His is a visiting professor in U.S.A. and European Universities.
He is, currently, Editor-in-Chief of European Water, Section Editor-in-Chief “Water Resources Management Policy and Governance” of Water and Editorial Board Member of Water Resources Management and Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences. He is regular reviewer of national and European research proposals as well as evaluator and responsible of research projects certification. He is affiliated with national and international scientific organizations such as EWRA and EGU.
Main field(s) of interest:
Patrick Enda O’CONNELL
Professor Emeritus
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
(Honorary Diplomate of 2017)

2019- : Emeritus Professor of Water Resources Engineering, School of Engineering, Newcastle University UK.
1984-2019: Professor of Water Resources Engineering, School of Engineering, Newcastle University UK.
Golden Badge Award, European Geophysical Society, 1995.
Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering, 2004.
Distinguished Member of European Water Resources Association, 2017.
Honorary Diplomate of the European Academy of Water Resources Engineers & Scientists (EAWRES) 2023.
International Honorary
Honorary Professor, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (NHRI), Nanjing,2014-2019
Honorary/Visiting Professor, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Beijing, 2009-2012
Appointed De Tao Master, De Tao Academy, Beijing, 2013.
Founding President, Hydrological Sciences Section, European Geophysical Society (now European Geosciences Union), 1991-94.
Editorial Board Member, Water Resources Management Journal.
Associate Editor, Journal of Forecasting.
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Journal of River Basin Management.
Section Editor, Hydrology Journal.
Main field(s) of interest:
Institute of Geography and Institute of Environmental Systems Research
University of Osnabrück
Osnabrück, GERMANY
(Honorary Diplomate of 2017)

Main field(s) of interest:
Luis Santos PEREIRA
Professor Emeritus
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Universidade de Lisboa
Tapada da Ajuda
(Honorary Diplomate of 2013)

Main field(s) of interest:
Chief Scientist, Physical Sciences Laboratory
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Boulder, Colorado, USA
(Honorary Diplomate of 2013)

Main field(s) of interest:
Giuseppe ROSSI
Professor Emeritus
University of Catania
Catania, ITALY
(Honorary Diplomate of 2011)

He has a long experience in graduated and postgraduate teaching, and has organized several international conferences on hydrological extremes (floods and droughts) and on water resources systems. He directed many research projects on droughts and water resources systems. He coordinated some Euro-Mediterranean projects, funded by the European Commission, in cooperation with institutions of South Europe, North Africa and near East countries. Author of more than 200 scientific papers, he is also author, editor and co-editor of ten books on hydrology and water resources. The last book “Water Resources of Italy. Protection, Use and Control” edited with M. Benedini (2020) is published by Springer in the Series World Water Resources.
He serves in the editorial Boards of Water Resources Management (Springer) and of L’Acqua (Italian Hydrotechnical Association). He is Fellow member of IWRA, honorary member of Società Idrologica Italiana, vice-president of Accademia Zelanti and Dafnici and member of Accademia Gioenia.
Main field(s) of interest:
Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and
The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, CANADA
(Honorary Diplomate of 2017)

Main field(s) of interest:
Vijay P. SINGH
Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor
Caroline & William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering
Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering and Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Texas A&M University
Texas, USA
(Honorary Diplomate of 2015)

Main field(s) of interest:
Honorary President
Italian Hydrological Society
Monte San Pietro (Bologna) – Italy
Bologna, ITALY
(Honorary Diplomate of 2017)

In 1979 he developed an algorithm for the analysis of Water Distribution Networks (WDN), the Global Gradient Algorithm, which has been the basis for the development of EPANET, the most widely used package for analyzing and designing WDN in the world.
His original studies in synthetic hydrology have produced a stochastic generation model, which preserves both long and short-term correlation for the statistical assessment of the Aswan reservoir operating policy. His research in rainfall-runoff modelling has produced several models, the CLS (1976), the ARNO (1989) (which was also included as the soil moisture balance component of the ECHAM GCM model) and the TOPKAPI (1998) models, that have been and still are extensively applied all over the world.
His approach to flood routing has produced models such as the PAB and the PABL, particularly suited for real-time flood forecasting. These models are now in operation on many rivers, together with a 1D/2D package based upon Control Volume Finite Elements. More recently Prof. Todini has found the reason for the non-conservation of mass in the Muskingum-Cunge method and has produced a corrected algorithm, which compares favorably with the results of full Saint Venant equations based commercial packages such as Mike11, Hec and Sobek.
His current research includes the clarification of the concept of predictive uncertainty in Hydrological Forecasting and the development of uncertainty post-processors, such as the Model Conditional Processor. Prof. Todini also deals with the development of Decision Support Systems, combining probabilistic forecasting with Bayesian decision approaches aimed at Reservoirs Management and Flood Risk reduction.
In 2009 he was the Founding President, and today the Honorary President, of the Italian Hydrological Society. In 2010 he retired from the University of Bologna, where he has held the Chair of Hydrology for more than 40 years and from 2013 he mainly collaborates as a consultant with the World Bank.
Main field(s) of interest:
Professor Emeritus
Laboratory of Reclamation Works and Water Resources Management
School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Athens, GREECE
(Honorary Diplomate of 2015)

Main field(s) of interest:
BSc. in Agricultural Engineering (Suma Cum Laude) in Soil,
Water and Structure from Technion Israel Institute of Technology 1963-1967.
MSc. in Civil Engineering on Water Management University of Missouri USA 1971-1972.
Retired Member of ICE London
Nicosia, CYPRUS
(Honorary Diplomate of 2017)

1968-1982: Irrigation Engineer in the Government of Cyprus, involved on the preparation of the Cyprus Water Masterplan, and on an Integrated Rural Development Project, taking part on the Planning, Preliminary design, cost estimating and feasibility studies, detailed designs and construction as well been in charge of the O&M and Management of the completed projects.
1980: Mission to Tanzania for identifying water resources projects.
1996: Mission to Egypt for the preparation of a proposal for financing of the Rehabilitation of all the Pumping Stations in the Nile Delta, valued at 500 million US Dollars.
Main field(s) of interest: